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Feb. 21, 2024

EP67 CRISPR & the Future of Gene Editing

The story of CRISPR reads like one straight out of a science fiction novel. It is filled with scientific breakthroughs, mad scientists, patent wars, and eventually, the ability to edit our own genes!

As a young kid, Jennifer Doudna was inspired by James Watson's The Double Helix. She wanted to learn more about this incredible field of DNA, but soon realized that thousands of other scientists had the same idea as her. So instead, she focused her energy on its less famous sibling, RNA. That proved to be a monumental decision.

Over the next two decades, she became an expert on RNA, putting her in the perfect position when CRISPR came knocking on her door. By experimenting with bacteria, Doudna's team was able to discover the amazing CRISPR-Cas9 system, basically combining her two specialties. Thus, they had unlocked a powerful gene editing tool for mankind.

While this discovery has huge immediate implications, it also raises serious ethical questions. What type of condition deserves the CRISPR treatment? How do we distinguish between disease vs enhancement? Will we simply resort to a genetic supermarket? In this episode, we tell the story of CRISPR and explore the many philosophical questions that come with this new technology. Enjoy!


The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race - Walter Isaacson


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Show Notes:

2:09 - The Double Helix

4:33 - The evolution of genes & DNA

9:12 - Never do something that a thousand other people are doing

17:50 - The magic of CRISPR enzymes

24:03 - Why are enzymes so important to us??

30:21 - Discovering the CRISPR Cas9 system

33:29 - The race for human gene-editing glory

37:20 - What are the implications of gene-editing?

42:04 - Germline edits and the future of the human race

51:26 - Super soldiers and geopolitical motivations

58:00 - Applying RNA & CRISPR to the Coronavirus Pandemic