In "Hit Refresh", Satya Nadella shares his rise to the top of Microsoft as they were struggling competitively, and the drastic changes he made to reinvent the culture of the company around a growth mindset. Since taking over in 2014, Nadella has redirected the company away from its declining Windows PC business and towards enterprise services & cloud computing, making strategic acquisitions of LinkedIn, Minecraft, Github, and today Activision Blizzard. With their OpenAI partnership, Nadella has positioned Azure as a chief beneficiary in the AI race, pushing Microsoft into the world's second most valuable company slot. "Hit Refresh" offers a unique view into Nadella's leadership philosophy and the last decade at Microsoft, so it's an insightful read for those interested in the enterprise giant.
Hit Refresh: The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone - Satya Nadella
The Future of Work with AI - Microsoft March 2023 Memo - Howard Marks